duminică, 10 martie 2013

Drawfriend #26

What are your opinions on these ponified versions of the pets? I think they're awesome! There has been some really amazing artwork this week!

See it all after the break!

41 de comentarii :

  1. Nooo ponified pets

    I think we need to realize MLP and LPS are two different shows. :V

  2. Fanateek amazes me so much. Good drawfriend.

    I kinda agree with Wolveon, though, I don't want ponies to become a secondary theme for this fandom. I can understand anthromorphic and humanized, but not everything needs to be "ponified." And if it be so at all, I don't see what it has to do with the show.

    1. Didn't this fandom come from FiM? And what's wrong with crossovers? Like the Madame Foster picture up there (#6)?

  3. Okay...we need to separate ponies from this fandom. We need to break the chains MLP got us. Already MLP is approaching to it's downfall.

    1. No it isn't. The show is still going strong, there's an awesome comic book series, and Season 4 promises to be even cooler. Friendship is Magic still has a lot of life left in it.
      Also, *its.

    2. thanks for correcting..but still MLP goes to downfall due to the genius ideas of Hasbro.

    3. Come back and say that again after watching Season 4.

  4. Uh oh, I feel like I've opened a can of worms now.
    Crossover art is fine. It exists for just about everything. But MLP/LPS crossovers are so common now, like I can't even look at that much LPS fan art without some sort of MLP crossover. Yes, MLP is what got me into this show, and I'm grateful. But we're a separate fandom now. Honestly I'm getting a little tired of seeing people comparing the pets' personalities with the ponies personalities (like in the comments section on YouTube, "Zoe reminds me of Twilight" "Penny Ling is just like Fluttershy" "Russell is so organized like Twilight is"). Maybe it's just me?

    1. You make a good point. I feel as if 95% of the crossovers are MLP. While both understandable and enjoyable to me, I feel that it's a bit silly that so many fans treat LPS as a total addendum to MLP.

    2. Those specific character comparisons are unfounded, and uninformed. If you want me to go into further detail on my thoughts, I can.

      In other news, where the heck do all these photos of house address numbers come from?

    3. Of course they are, that's exactly why they are so frequent!


    4. Ya every one has their preferences to which pony is which pet. Have you ever seen the YouTube video " my littlest petshop" or somthing like that? There's this guy, and introduces the mane six ponys and derpy, but does it to the tune of littlest pet shop meet the pet shop pets. His comparisons don't even make sense! I have seen this one comment where some described zoe as " oh my gosh twilight and rarity had a baby." It's probably the best one cuz Zoe's a diva like rarity, but she looks like twilight. I think the reason they do this is cuz they are some of the hubs most popular shows that both girls and boys like, but is more toward girls. Strawberry is like that, except once you get to 3rd grade it seems so stupid!

  5. Ask yourself why I would have any problem with crossovers? Lots of fan content wouldn't survive without it, but alas, I never insinuated that there was anything wrong with crossovers, firstly. Secondly, I have friends that did not have their appeal for LPS stem from FiM. But, obviously, most of the interest for any of The Hub's shows stemmed from FiM. But they are their OWN SHOWS. It's not "Littlest Pet Shop: Friendship is Magic."

    Ponified material is so mundane that I don't feel the need for it here. I don't care that it exists, I just don't feel like "ponified" stuff has any business on the PSI in particular. That's my gripe. I don't mind Minka riding Pinkie Pie or Sunil hugging Fluttershy, there's nothing to objectively complain about regarding those; they're cute. I like cute. I like MLP, and I like LPS. What I don't like is how LPS only holds any appealing value to most fans of FiM if it is ponified, but that's not my prime concern; I just don't want to see "ponified" content on PSI. Anywhere else, I don't care. But this site, The Pet Shop Insider, is where I feel I can actually discuss this show and examine fan content pertinent to the show. I don't see how "ponification" is, to any considerable degree, pertinent to LPS, with the implicit thought behind it.

    TL;DR: Crossovers with ponies on this site is okay with me, "ponification" on this site is primarily impertinent to LPS and thus not okay with me.

    And before I forget: Devlin, you're saying this with a Great and Powerful Sunil avatar. Not attacking you, but that's just ironic of you to say. Nevertheless, by no means do I believe MLP is approaching its "downfall." I don't see where or how you got that idea.

  6. Jordan: I'm going to assume you don't read the comments on YouTube, since these are, for the most part, regular comparisons.

    1. I'm sorry, I didn't see it for your individual comment.

    2. No harm done.

      But... you must have seen it if you were replying specifically about "these [...] comparisons."

    3. No, I didn't see the reply button but I was replying to your comment.

    4. I was replying to your "Eh?" comment you deleted. Now I can see that you are not so befuddled as I thought you were.

    5. Yes, I am a little confused now.
      >Those specific character comparisons are unfounded, and uninformed. If you want me to go into further detail on my thoughts, I can.

      >Jordan: I'm going to assume you don't read the comments on YouTube, since these are, for the most part, regular comparisons.

    6. As someone in a film a few decades ago said, "Let's call the whole thing off."

    7. That's fine, I really hate arguing. c: No hard feelings?

  7. I think I recognize you, Jordan, from my "Pound Puppies" days. Though I may be mistaken, I'm pretty sure that I am not. We met through Senn.

    (The reply feature won't work from my phone, something to do with Javascript. Hence, just new comments from me.)


    > Those specific character comparisons are unfounded, and uninformed. If you want me to go into further detail on my thoughts, I can.

    I'd encourage this, because I know what Wolveon is talking about. Though he seems a bit more indignant about ponies being regarded when it comes to this show at all, which I don't concur with.

    1. Sadly, my interest and cognizant clarity is waning. How specifically did we interact when it came to the 2010 Pound Puppies?

    2. I don't really mind the ponies, it's just when it's so constant it gets a little annoying. Every now and then or once in a while is fine.

    3. I think this is the most comments a post on this blog has gotten. Partially thanks to me.

    4. Yeeaah. I feel kind of bad for starting this argument. :<

  8. If we interacted at all, Jordan, it was minimal; I don't recall much occurring between us. But eh, particularly extraneous. Moving on.

    Wolveon, I don't really see how this site's supply of pony related content has proved to be any sort of "constant." From what I've seen, it has been an occasional, often coincidental (or not heavily regarded) thing in the posts on this site.

    The OP asked of opinions on the ponified pets, and I gave one. My posts were meant with regards ONLY to the ponification, not MLP itself.

    1. Oh no no no, not on this site. I'm talking about places like dA or Tumblr.

  9. Well yeah, it's going to be in relatively ample amounts on those sites. The difference between those sites and PSI is that the Pet Shop Insider is the *Pet Shop* Insider. LPS should be the primary and most relevant concern here when it comes to anything here (obvious exceptions being things like an allusion or cameo appearance in something well known, for example, the latter being as in Friendship is Witchcraft). I'm only really vexed about it when it comes to this site because PSI is namely meant to be the LPS fandom's haven of sorts. This is the one part of the internet I can resort to and expect to see LPS pertinent material in the abundance.

    1. Because you clearly haven't read the entirety of this discussion,
      > (The reply feature won't work from my phone, something to do with Javascript. Hence, just new comments from me.)

      But I'm on my computer for now, so the excuse is resolved, temporarily.

      > the artist didn't take pet's sizes into account. Vinnie and Russell are about the shortest pets, but they're the tallest here
      I think it makes sense because they are colts, and colts are depicted as having a larger frame than mares. So, if anything, Sunil seems a little on the shorter side as opposed to what he should actually be (a wee bit taller than Vinnie and Russel).

      Regardless, it's entirely up to OP whether or not he posts more ponified material on this site, he simply asked for an opinion.

  10. Wow. I finally see more than a few comments on one of this site's topics. And I wish there were more people to talk. But anyway...we are at the start and we must keep everything under control. AVE LPS.

  11. Russell became 100% less cute. The best reason why I like him. (SadfaceEmoticonThingyWhichIDon'tKnowHowToMake'CauseOfMyKindOfBadEyesight.)

    1. Do you mean a colon and a beginning parenthesis? Like this -


    2. Yeah. I feel sad when I see ponified Russell.

    3. I'm just wondering how or why your bad eyesight prevents you from typing a ":(".

    4. This comment has been removed by the author.

    5. I'm sorry, I don't have any answers for you.

    6. :( This makes Eggy all saddy waddy...

    7. Attempted answers, in order: 1. I don't know how you're just now finding out about this site. I can't help but wonder if it had something to do with me. That would be odd. 2. No "pet-ified" ponies? Again, I don't know. I'm not an artist, and I can't force other artists to do such a think. Why don't you go find a good artist and ask them? 3. No posts in the past four days? I don't run the site, but Pet Shop Daily has been pretty active lately.

      That's the best I can do.
