marți, 24 decembrie 2013

"A Day at the Museum" iTunes/Discussion/Downloads


[380p/480p] DailyMotion
 "A Day at the Museum" Ryaless Dailymotion upload(1080p) (New)

 * From Ryaless:  I think I speak for the whole staff when I say we are very sorry for the lack of posts and updates on the blog recently but this month in particular is a tough one as it is with the holidays and the new year.
We try our best to deliver every bit of information regarding LPS and hopefully for my birthday(27th Decmber) you can look at a new/refurbished blog dedicated to Littlest Pet Shop.

marți, 17 decembrie 2013

Littlest Pet Shop Episodes' Reviews

If you haven't seen the latest episodes, this probably isn't for you. Got some spoilers in these reviews... check below the break if you dare

Blackwidower is a blogger who has reviewed almost every single episode out there… so big thanks to him for taking the time to write some serious review :D "What Meme Worry" was the last one he's done.

The Links:
Season 1
Smallest Animal Supply Boutique review of "Littlest Adventure" Part 1+2
Anti-Socialization review of "Helicopter Dad"
Party in the LPS review of "What's in the Batter?"
Littlest Plotlines review of "What Did You Say?"
A Character-Development Walk review of "Bakers and Fakers"
False Love review of "Terriers and Tiaras"
Best Frenemies review of "Door-Jammed"/"Lotsa Luck"
Egos, Lies, and Dismemberment review of "Frenemies"
Littlest Kleptomaniacs review of "Blythe's Pet Project"
You Think About All The Friends That You Hate To Leave review of "Summertime Blues"

Season 2
Fashion Follies review of "Missing Blythe"/"The Nest Hats Craze"
Eight Arms to Spoil The Movie review of "Eight Arms to Hold You"
Of Snakes and Mongooses review of "Heart of Parkness"
Psychic Vs. Psychic review of "Pawlm Reading" 
Time, and Relative Characterization in Pet Shops review of "The Treasure of Henrietta"
The Memetastic Mr. Mongoose review of "Why Meme Worry?"

Just so you know, he does curse in his posts at times. He also does MLP: FiM reviews :B and he has a tumblr/twitter :) If he makes more, we'll keep you updated
Again, thank you, Blackwidower :D

duminică, 15 decembrie 2013

miercuri, 4 decembrie 2013

Drawfriend #31

Magic Sunil does magic things
We haven't had a Drawfriend in a while, have we? Here we go! Drawfriend number 31!
Below the break~











We have Sweet Cheeks and Mustaches! :B

duminică, 1 decembrie 2013

New Segment: Spotlight

Hey, everyone, we're opening a new segment - Spotlight for artists :) Find out more after the break---

There are plenty of talented people in the Littlest Pet Shop Fandom, so we're going to open up a monthly Spotlight on Petshopper artists! YAY :B

1. The artist must have a minimum of 6 Littlest Pet Shop fan-works.
2. You can suggest others, but not yourself, via emailing
3. The people chosen will always have good-quality art, music, writing, etc. It has to be presentable and creative
4. Include links to their art
5. Please include the artist's website, like Deviantart or Tumblr. If that person is chosen, he/she will be contacted
6. Interviews might be given; we're not quite sure yet
7. Spotlights may not be chosen every month, but that's our goal

^ Subject to change overtime.

Please include this form:

Type (can be more than one): Artist, Musician, etc.
Artist's Website:
Links to Artwork:
Why did you suggest him/her?: optional

Keep in mind this is not about popularity. Anyone could be chosen; their work speaks for itself. Thank you all for contributing your artwork, music, etc. to the fandom! ... we all appreciate it :3 :B