sâmbătă, 19 ianuarie 2013

"So You Skink You Can Dance" - Discussions/Streams

This show just got way cooler. Just like that. Giant Vinnie FTW!

Episode 12 airs at 11:30am ET / 8:30am PT!

For you bronies, last week's episode of LPS, "Books and Covers", will air between the new "My Little Pony" episode at 10:30am ET / 7:30am PT and Episode 12 of LPS.

Also for you bronies, BOTH livestreams below will be airing BOTH new episodes of MLP and LPS from 10:30am - 12 noon ET / 7:30am - 9:00am PT! How convenient!

If you have a YouTube video link, please send it to us (ThePetShopInsider@live.com)! Do NOT post it in the comments below! Comments with the YouTube link will be deleted.

And don't forget this is also a discussion board, so go ahead and discuss in the comments below! Got conspiracies, questions, hopes, reactions? Post them in the comments below! 


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16 comentarii :

  1. Loved that "Game of Thrones" reference!

    Also, great episode! Things really started to pick up when that lizard dance crew showed up.

    1. I like that Godzilla reference.

    2. What was the "Game of Thrones" reference?

    3. @Jordan The TV show that Russell was talking about fanning over.

    4. I haven't seen the episode yet. So he actually said "Game of Thrones" on screen?

    5. @Jordan No but they reference it. It's supposed to poke fun of how fans of "Game of Thrones" are absolutely in love with the show.

  2. Best episode, definitely. Vinnie has been instantaneously catapulted up to best pet. So. Freaking. Adorable.

    Only one flaw: It would have been nice to see the judges finally accept Vinnie after trying again. Would've lead to a sense of completion.

    1. I personally was hoping that Vinnie and his street lizard dance crew would go on TV and finally impress the judges and the audience.

    2. That was just what I had in mind. As it is, it's kind of a downer ending for Vinnie. Plus, it makes the dance crew more relevant.

  3. Okay this episode lacked a lot of logic and plot holes, like Vinnie able to lift up Blythe, there is no way a lizzard can hold up a human girl, or the lack of Vinnie's owner, I don't think Blythe should be able to take someone's pet on a plane ride, I guess she got permission off screen.

    But the a plot was awesome. It was really entertaining, but the b plot that is the weakest plot in the series so far, they should just not had a b plot and gave Vinnie more time if that is the best they can do.

    Also it was great to see more Blythe flashbacks, but we don't see or hear her mother. Did Blythe even have a mother?

    And I loved the Godzilla parody.

    1. Apparently, her dad is single, so no, she doesn't.

    2. Have to agree with zcezs on the plot holes and lacking logic - but this is a very good episode for Vinnie's character. I also have to disagree with Stellafera on her comment about making the episode feel more complete... Blythe would've been disqualified and in trouble if Vinnie got caught helping her dance.

      I also have to ask, does anyone see a problem with most episodes (like this one's and next week's) being around that of a misunderstanding? That's kind of one reason this show doesn't hace the fanbase it could have for its writing...

    3. I meant for him to go in front of the judges on his own to try again, and wowing them. That would've been awesome.

      (And yes, the constant misunderstandings are kind of annoying)

    4. @S-3 and @Stellafera: Actually, this episode, Ep. 12, was not about a misunderstanding at all. The stage manager clearly knew that Blythe wasn't a dancer on the show. But she knew that Carina Tartaroff was on vacation this week and someone needed to fill her spot, so she just told Blythe to do it.

  4. The show would have a much larger fanas than it has now if it just simply developed its characters - no bells/whistles or being ambiguous, period. Sure it would be difficult to avoid being simplistic/boring in execution, but it wouldn't piss your audience off at its weakest... Trust me.

  5. FINALLY got to see this episode. And...wow. While everyone else is debating over some details in this episode (seriously guys, wtf?), I'm sitting here experiencing all the feels. I've been going through some self-esteem issues that are very similar to what Vinnie was feeling. "I'm not good enough. I'm not REALLY an artist, I just think I am. I'm nothing."

    But then the real message of the episode shone through: you ARE worth something. You ARE good at what you do, no matter what the critics may unfairly think or say. Do what you love, and don't let the opinions of others bring you crashing into the ground.

    That's what I love about this show. It may have some goofy plots and strange moments, but it has heart and wants to encourage the artists in its audience. And that's why I think it's the best show that I have ever seen in a long time.

    Now if you'll excuse me, I'm going to go cry a little bit.
