marți, 19 februarie 2013

"Littlest Pet Shop" Video Game?

A teaser released on YouTube by user CyberCaramel shows what could be a fan-made video game for PC in the future under the working title "Operation: Gailbreak". And this is real, people! After you watch that teaser, you can also check out Cyber Caramel's Tumblr for more work-in-progress stuff for the game.

5 comentarii :

  1. Gailbreak is my favorite episode, so this is doubly awesome for me!

    However, he shouldn't be asking for donations. That's how Fighting is Magic got shut down.

    1. I was just thinking the same thing.

      Nobody should be making any money from this.

    2. I just spoke with Cyber Caramel, and he has agreed to stop taking donations (though he never got any donations to begin with).

  2. Oh well....this should be intresting...hopefully Ha$bro won't take it down. If they do I will put them on my shit list. ( I never bought thier cheap toys at overpriced price )
