joi, 14 februarie 2013

"Sweet (Truck) Ride" Official Promo + Extended Synopsis [SPOILERS]

New character this episode around, and the return of Buttercream! Watch the promo after the break!

New extended synopsis: Blythe jumps into Aunt Christie's new catering truck to bring it to a stop after the pets accidentally slip it into gear, sending it careening down the street, but everyone, from a police officer to Blythe's dad assumes she was taking the truck for a joy ride because Blythe can't and won't reveal how she knows it was really the pets who were responsible.

4 comentarii :

  1. they don't seem so much affected of sweets as they were last episode.

  2. I can't wait for tomorrow. We finally get an episode where Blythe is forced to deal with keeping her secret ability secret regardless of how easy it would be to just admit it to someone else.

    Anybody think that she'll let someone else in on it? Youngmee, Roger, anyone?

    1. I don't know it is not really a secret you can proove. This is not like Timmy Turner's secret, she can tell anyone "I can talk to animals" and there is nothing she can do to proove it. She just come off as crazy. She can't move objects like Samantha Stevens on the first episode of Bewitched.

      But if anyone it is Youngmee, she has stepped up past Sue and clearly Blythe's main hunam sidekick, the Ethel to her Lucy. Working next door at the Sweet Shop, I think they formed last episode that Sue and Jasper just can't compete with.

  3. I have noticed in the synophis that Youngmee's aunt, is referred to as Aunt Christy. I thought she would referred to as Ms. Christy. But Aunt Christy is like she is everyone's aunt, like Uncle Iroh in Avatar: The Last Airbender, but I get that, because he was a mentor figure to us all, and later became close to a lot of the characters, so he earns that title as the universal uncle to the audiance, I don't think we are going to see with Christy that Blythe and the audiance is going to develop such a close bond that she is everyone's aunt.
