luni, 11 noiembrie 2013

Discussion: What's your opinion on the 2005 LPS Toys?

Discussion time! Check under the break ~

Now, if you don't know what the picture above is, its what LPS used to look like. I myself used to (alright, I still have some heaps of them) own littlest pet shop's. I would make videos of them, creating my own little stories. Well, that was in the past. Now the LPS toys look like this:

2012 LPS

Well now, my opinion doesn't matter right now, so which toy style do you prefer? Would you enjoy the LPS show more if the style was more like the 2005 toys? Discuss in the comments!

10 comentarii :

  1. I personally prefer the 2005 style, but thats just my opinion. XD

  2. I like both,the old and new LPS >w< but the new pet aren't selling so well like the old pets,I think..

    1. Yeah, the girls who used to buy them aren't buying anymore because of the new molds and the new eyes. Oh well... the show is good... XD

    2. You're right u_u but the new LPS has only one year,needs more time to the popularity can grow.Personally,I like the new mold and the eyes,they are cute~ I love being a Petshopper~ (≧ω≦) sorry for my bad english.

    3. I don't mind :) Its actually pretty good! I personally hate the new toy model, but it looks great on television. Oh well. I can't change it now. :-/

    4. yes,in the show is really awesome! well,some people has only the toys of the character of the show.I want Hasbro makes more toys of the secundary characters,like Shahrukh(I really love him ≧∇≦ my second favourite character) or other characters.

  3. The young girls on YouTube ABSOLUTELY HATE the new LPS toys. Some even wish that the show will get canceled, and and even wish the Hasbro company to die.

  4. 2005 ones are... ehh... okay I guess, but the new art style is amazing! I'm a huge fan of the show, and I like the art style so much that I even bought some non-canon figures just because they are cute! I guess it's the flat coloring and the eyes that I like. Kinda has that nice, minimalist style like an old 60's/70's cartoon! hahaha

  5. I remember when I was in elementary school and everyone and their mother had them. I think I was the only kid who didn't have them, actually. Never really cared for their big heads. Though, the new model looks kinda nice.
