luni, 25 noiembrie 2013

Compilation of LPS songs in Spanish *edit*

Got all the Littlest Pet Shop songs in European Spanish- Check the video after the break :D

Description from LexLightLikesMLPFiM(in English):
"At last, after some weeks working on that, here's the definitive compilation of the songs featured on the first season of "Littlest Pet Shop" in Spain Spanish / Castillan / Iberic Spanish. 
Why I do say that? Because not only the main songs are featured, but also, other minor songs that are on the show, such as "Sprinkles on my Head" and more.
Edited with Sony Vegas 11.
Special thanks to Ath644200 for recording and uploading the last three episodes of the [first season of the] show to download, to reuploadingismagic for inspiring me to make this video, and also, to all people who worked on the dub of this show.
Oh! And to my suscribers, too! Thanks!"

Thank you, LexLight, for sharing this with us! :) - Edited the description

2 comentarii :

  1. Oh, my goodness, one of my videos is there! Thanks a bunch, through, the translation of the description could improve, so have a better one that I have made:
    "At last, after some weeks working on that, here's the definitive compilation of the songs featured on the first season of "Littlest Pet Shop" in Spain Spanish / Castillan / Iberic Spanish.
    Why I do say that? Because not only the main songs are featured, but also, other minor songs that are on the show, such as "Sprinkles on my Head" and more.
    Edited with Sony Vegas 11.
    Special thanks to Ath644200 for recording and uploading the last three episodes of the [first season of the] show to download, to reuploadingismagic for inspiring me to make this video, and also, to all people who worked on the dub of this show.
    Oh! And to my suscribers, too! Thanks!"
    And to Akatne: Thanks so much!
