marți, 20 noiembrie 2012

Drawfriend #8

Another Drawfriend is here for you guys!

What you will notice in this Drawfriend (and in other Drawfriends and in Meme-SPLOSIONs) is that many pieces of art remain sourceless, without a creator to claim them or credit for them. If you see an artwork (or meme in Meme-SPLOSION) with a [No Source] tag that you know has an original post somewhere on the Internet, please link us to the webpage in the comments below!

More art after the break!

Source 2 (thanks to Krisztian Kristo for the source link!)

Source 4

 Source 5

Source 6

Source 7

[No Source]

[No Source]

[No Source]

[No Source]

[No Source]

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