joi, 18 aprilie 2013

Episode 26 Synopsis Revealed

The synopsis for the Season 1 finale is here. Should I be excited or saddened? Soon the arduous season gap will come upon us. But not without a great season finale (which is what it sounds like, according to the synopsis)!

Check it out after the break!

Episode 26 Title: Summertime Blues
Air Date: April 27th, 2013
Synopsis: Blythe has to cope with the anxiety of leaving her family and pet friends when she is accepted into the junior program at a fashion school.

Ooooohhh, I've been waiting for this episode: the one in which the protagonist must make an important decision.

What are your thoughts? Tell us below!

13 comentarii :

  1. Oh boy, sounds like it's gonna be good. Can't wait. ;_;

  2. I bet she'll totally leave town!

    The Rog': Gee, hon', why didn't you accept that huge opportunity?
    Blythe: Because other peoples' pets are really great!
    The Rog': Seriously?
    Blythe: Yeah! There's this dancing gecko and a psychic mongoose! The skunk is hilarious!
    The Rog': ...

    1. The Rog': Who sold you the drugs, Blythie!? Was it Sue!? WAS IT SUE!?!?

  3. I fail to see any real conflict here. I mean, Blythe didn't seem to make too much of a fuss when she moved the first time, at the beginning of the series. I'm thinking that she either wasn't too close to her last group of friends, or she just didn't have any.

    Take the Summer Internship, Blythe. Your Pet-friends, and your human-friends will still be here when you get back (that is, if you still remember any of them).

  4. Aww. I was hoping for something with Whitanny. Also I'd like to see an episode where Blythe's friends find out she can understand pets.

    1. Blythe's secret being uncovered sounds more like a series finale plot, aka season 5 (that's right 5 seasons, GOTTA BELIEVE)

  5. Man, 26 eps for 1 season and that one season did better than season 3 of Pony; I'm glad and yet at the same time, kinda depressed.

    This should still be a good ep though.

    1. It actually didn't do better than pony. Season 3 of MLP was the best season of any The Hub series competitive wise. Or do you happen to have some sources that aren't easily available on the Internet that proves your claim?

    2. @Invisible Cadance: It's a matter of opinion. Opinions of S3 of MLP has been split down the middle. It's like Marmite (Google it if you live out side of the UK) Some people like it some people dislike it. For me i liked S3 of MLP but LSP is a very different show and has only had one Season so far and is going to have 2nd Season in the future and MLP has had it's 3rd Season and will have it's 4th Season in the future. So in other words i like both.

      TL;DR: It's all down to opinion and LPS is a different show that has not been going for as long as MLP has.

    3. @cakeater9000: I was talking about ratings. There's no such thing as opinions there.

  6. I thought it was just a joke that Blythe would leave when I saw the teaser.
