duminică, 9 decembrie 2012

The Hub's "Naughty or Nice Awards" Voting Now Open!

Title Screen for "Naughty or Nice Awards"

The voting for the "Naughty or Nice Awards" is now open on hubworld.com! Head on over here to start your voting!

BUT WAIT! Don't go yet! There's a lot of important information to know before you start voting! Read more after the break for important rules/information!

  • When you enter the voting, a random category will appear at the top of the screen. To the right of the title of the category will be the 3 nominees. 
  • Every nominee for every category has a "Watch Clip" button and "Vote Now" button when you hover your cursor over the nominee. 
  • When you click "Watch Clip", a pop-up will appear with a video of a small portion of an episode that helps you decide which nominee to vote for.                                                                                                                                                                - For example, the Blythe Baxter's clip for "Nicest of All" is from Episode 5: Penny for Your Laughs, when Blythe stands up for the Biskit Twins during basketball.
  • To vote for a nominee, you can click the "Vote Now" button for the nominee you're voting for, or click the "Vote For This Clip" button beneath each clip. Each click is 1 vote, so if you want to vote multiple times for a nominee, you have to click the button each time.
  • You can vote 10 times per category per day. This means you have 80 votes altogether each day.                                             - So you can vote for Blythe for "Nicest of All" 10 times per day, and then go to "Best Hub Jam" and vote for "BFF" 10 times.                                                                                                                                                                                   - You can also vote for multiple nominees each day, too. So, for "Best Hub Jam", I can give 5 votes to "BFF" and 5 votes to "Flim Flam Cider Song".

 I know, it's a lot to know, but we need LPS to win! So go vote now!

Un comentariu :

  1. "Pointless pursuits that no pony gives a flying feather about" or ripping a chair in half tough choice
