sâmbătă, 13 aprilie 2013

"Frenemies" - Discussions/Streams

Of all the plots we've had this season, this one I feel is the most original. Maybe it's because it only works if you have a sentient lizard in your TV show, of which I cannot name more than one.

Episode 24 airs at 11:30am ET / 8:30am PT!

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And don't forget this is also a discussion board, so go ahead and discuss in the comments below! Got conspiracies, questions, hopes, reactions? Post them in the comments below! 

Please, if you know anyone other than Haxmega who streams new episodes of LPS live, please e-mail us! 

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10 comentarii :

  1. Much better than last weeks, that's for sure!

    Any flaws I find pale in comparison to last week and are so minuscule on their own that I have nothing to say beyond that, except this was just a good episode all around - even if Zoe and Pepper's bickering did irk me a bit. Even then, at least it felt natural and was handled appropriately in the end. So was Vinnie's plot, which is a major plus after having to deal with his (and Sunil's) idiocy last week!

    Please keep up the good work, guys... You only have 2 episodes left - make them count like this did here! That's all I ask.

    1. Idiocy!? That was like, real shipping! In a real, canon episode! Things don't get much better than that!

  2. With an episode title like "Frenemies," I was sort of expecting that the Biskit Twins would be involved in the story, somehow. But it was just a disagreement between Pepper and Zoe. I think the title is a little misleading, they're friends, not frenemies. I always associated that word with a rival that a character only sort of gets along with, some of the time.

    What I did like was the Central Focus on the Pets and Blythe's interaction with them for the entire episode. The story was split in A/B plots (vinnie is dealing with his tail loss), but since both plots involved the pets, it's not as jarring as it was in previous episodes.

  3. This was an excellent episode. Anyone that wanted more focus on the pets, less on the humans, well you can't complain this episode. Blythe is the only human in this episode and she wasn't a focal point in this episode, it was all about the pets.

    We see Penny Ling's owner who not surprisely looked like he worked for the zoo and we meet Sunil's parents, those two are adorable.

    I liked how the two plots was all connected to each other, it all connected to Penny Ling's party. I felt in this episode, Blythe had a more parental relationship with the pets, she was the mom, you had the big sisters Zoey and Pepper trying to plan a party for little sister Penny Ling.

    And the shippers are going to love this episode, you had VinniexPenny moments, and a little bit of RussellxMinka.

    And the kids learned something about Geecos and their tails.

    And yes this episode does resemble "Fall Weather Friends", but I am sure there where episodes from others shows that were like that before hand.

  4. Aside from the fact that this episode was half about my favorite character (Vinnie), I thought it taught a valuable lesson about compromise. And Vin's Mona Lisa... o3o

  5. This show keeps getting better and better.

  6. Yeah, these last few episodes have been ace (mostly). Gonna be a long wait for the second season to roll around.

  7. While I assumed at title like Frenemies would have something to do with the Biskits, especially given what happened last episode, I wasn't to disappointed with the result. Zoey and Pepper are my fav pets and it was nice to see them butting heads and Vinni's plot has a lot of true animal facts behind it which was cool.

    I liked Blythe's role as the peace keeper in this episode, showing off her more responsible side without her being to in charge that she was out of character.

  8. I really enjoyed this episode. Simple yet effective. The subplots were very decent since it mainly focuses on the pets and Blythe is actually helpful this time around to the pets. It`s been a while since she supported one of them.

    Zoe and Pepper are just so hilarious when arguing and I love for the fact that Vinnie was better in dancing without his tail. Great episode for the fans of Vinnie and especially the fans of Penny Ling (I`m a huge fan of her. XD).

  9. at 17 min Tabitha St Germain playing Pepper playing Rarity

    characterception my mind is blown
